Some men who have diabetes will experience sexual problems as a result of their condition, but the outlook is good
Diabetes has a bit of bad reputation for affecting people's sex lives.
But if you are diabetic, there's no need to be alarmed. The probability is that you'll be able to continue a happy and healthy sexual life far into old age.
It's been known for a century that diabetes can sometimes interfere with a person's enjoyment of sex.
However, little research has been done into sexual problems in diabetics – and particularly in women with diabetes.
Don't be alarmed by any sweeping statements you may read about the incidence of sex difficulties among diabetics. The fact is that no reliable large-scale study of sexual problems among the diabetic population has yet been carried out.
What we can say with absolute certainty is that sex difficulties are rather more common in diabetic people than they are in the rest of the population.
Nevertheless, where these problems do occur, there's a high chance that they can be treated.

What problems does diabetes cause?

Problems in men

There are several sex-related difficulties that may occur in diabetic males.
  • Erectile Dysfunction (ED), which was formerly known as 'impotence', is certainly commoner in diabetic men than it is in the rest of the population. This is probably because deterioration of the vessels (ie tubes) that supply blood to the penis, occurs more rapidly than normal in men who have diabetes. Also, some experts believe that the deterioration in nerve supply to the genitals (neuropathy) in diabetics may adversely affect erectile function.
  • Premature Ejaculation. In addition, some US doctors claim that diabetic men are more liable than men without diabetes to develop retrograde ejaculation – a phenomenon in which the seminal fluid tends to shoot backwards into the bladder at the moment of climax. It is subsequently passed out in the urine. This is not common.
  • Balanoposthitis. This is inflammation of the head of the penis and foreskin. It sometimes occurs in diabetics because their sugar-containing urine encourages the growth of fungi in this area. It can make intercourse uncomfortable